Corruption in Lebanon is everywhere. It lives in an economy of its own feeding on everything; and as a result, the fight against it seems hopeless. But the truth is, corruption acts exactly like a private business: The more you buy from it, the more it grows. And so we wanted corruption to go Bankrupt. Through guerilla marketing, a PR stunt, outdoors, an online movie we brought to life the Country’s Corner Shop called “Lebanon4sale” and invited people to close it down by reporting corruption. All this ecosystem was created to lead people to a reporting website that was fully designed to overcome attitudinal barriers and allow people to engage with the case. At the end, the ease, safety and engagement of the reporting mechanism allowed our client to gather data and quantify incidents involving corrupt practices in Lebanon knowing that their ultimate objective is to raise the public debate and exert pressure on politicians to respond. Leo Burnett Beirut 2014 Credits: Chief Creative Officer: Bechara Mouzannar Executive Creative Director: Malek Ghorayeb Managing Director: Nada Abi Saleh Digital Strategies & Innovation Director: Samer Shoueiry Creative Director: Areej Mahmoud Senior Art Director: Joseph Abi Saab Senior Digital Art Director: Tonie Tannous Copywriter: Rana Khoury/Andrew Assi/Tarek Bacha Photographer: Tony Elieh Account Supervisor: Diego de Aristegui/Cecilia Accad Senior Strategic Planner: Youmna El-Asmar Production: Production Company Name: Clandestino Producer: Ray Barakat Director: Wissam Smayra Director of Photography: Yves Sehnaoui Music: Harry Hadeshian